Tempered glass

What is tempered glass?

Tempered glass is a crystal subject to high temperatures, becoming much more resistant to extreme temperatures, tension, and compression.

It is frequently used for architectonic glass applications where a significant additional strength is required to support wind pressure and thermal stress.

It is considered safer than float glass because it breaks into small pieces, reducing the probability of serious cuts or puncture wounds.

Millet Industria del Vidrio manufactures various types of glass, such as beveled, with drillings and cutouts, curved, laminated, insulated, screen printeddigital printing. and jumbo sized.  

How is it composed?


Our maximum capacity is 236" 57/256 (6000 mm) height x 129" 1/8 (3280 mm) width.


SGCCANSI Z97.1-2015 Standard


IGCCASTM 2190 Standard


CPSCCPSC 16CFR 1201 Standard


CAN/CGSB 12.1-2017





-Curtain walls

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