What is glass with digital printing?
Digital printing on
glass allows printing
in large format and obtaining any color, with an infinite range of shades and
special effects , reproduced with great precision.
It is possible to print any high resolution, durable image and/or picture on glass due to the use of ceramic inks for printing.
The high quality of the printed image is based on
the number of ink dots deposited per square inch on the surface of the glass,
better known as DPI (dots per inch). Our plotter is able to print up to 1440
DPI, as compared with other conventional printers. The higher de dots per inch,
the better the definition of the printed image. Our maximum capacity is 6000 mm
height x 3000 mm width.
How is it composed?
Our maximum capacity is 236" 57/256 (6000 mm) height x 118" 1/8 (3000 mm) width.
SGCC, ANSI Z97.1-2015 Standard